Why Choose Students on Tour?
Experience - Founded in 1988, Students on Tour has safely and successfully taken over 100,000 participants on education programs throughout the United States and Canada.
Excellent Personalized Service - We are independently owned and operated rather than being a part of a large conglomerate. This allows us to know you by name. You are someone we want to know as a friend. Our team will be with you every step of the way, from your own personal Education Program Consultant to our Reservations Department.
Trained, Licensed 24/7 Education Program Leaders - Our helpful, friendly Education Program Leader is with your group 24 hours a day. From the moment you arrive to the moment you depart - we are there. Students on Tour Education Program Leaders are selected for their education, student-friendly personalities, and experience working with students. They are all background checked, referenced, and licensed by the District of Columbia government Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs.
Top-Quality and Affordable Education Programs - We use deluxe motorcoaches, high-quality hotels, and provide well-rounded meals - all at affordable, competitive prices. Comparing "apples to apples", you can rest assured that the price we offer you is the same price we offer the school across town. We don’t ‘play games’ to beat the competition. Nor will we will reduce a rate to entice you to go with us the first year and then charge you for it later. We believe integrity and honestly are the bedrocks of our success. Students On Tour will provide you with the very best quality at the very best price every time.
Solid Financial Protection – Students On Tour is serious about the security of your investment. As far as we know, Students on Tour and its sister company are the only student education tour program operators to provide the unmatched financial protection of an FDIC insured bank trust account administered by an independent firm of Certified Public Accountants (CPA's) for our client funds. Most student tour operator’s offer self-administered trust accounts. The account is administered by, and accessible to, the tour operator itself. Monies sent to Students on Tour are held in an FDIC insured trust account administered by Anderson, Hager & Moe S.C., CPAs, an independent firm of Certified Public Accountants. Anderson, Hager & Moe pay major trip expenses as they are due directly to the service provider. Students on Tour is only paid what is left in the account five business days after the scheduled completion of your education program. The incredible peace of mind this provides costs no more. As a matter of fact Students on Tour Education Programs are usually less expensive than tours of the same length provided by other student tour operators.
Safety - Safety is of utmost importance at Students on Tour. Since our founding in 1988, we have provided thousands of secure, safe programs to schools just like yours. Our safety record is impeccable making our Education Programs an easy choice for schools all across America. Safety standards are adhered to throughout our entire company.
Strong vendor relationships provide for constant assessment of hotels, motorcoaches, attractions, and restaurants ensuring safe practices are in place and consistent.
Education Program participants are provided with identification badges which include information to connect with Students On Tour staff 24/7 in the event they would inadvertently become separated from the group.
Bonded and insured evening chaperones monitor hotel hallways throughout the night at all hotels allowing everyone to get a good night of rest and ensure your students are undisturbed.
Contingency Plan - Should weather or other events cause an unforeseen change in plans for the group, Students on Tour will make alternate plans at no additional cost. Students on Tour follows a detailed Emergency Response Plan developed in conjunction with Student Youth Travel Association and National Travel Association.