EXCITE, EXPAND, EMPOWER… Partner with Students on Tour
As an Educator, you know that facilitating leaning - making ‘stories’ come to life - is vital to the educational objectives you desire for your students.
As a student tour company, we know that providing the opportunity to take your students ‘on location’ is an effective and powerful tool for learning.
Together we form a partnership for success – success for your students in reaching educational learning objectives, developing collaborative learning skills, and broadening horizons in a fast-paced world.
Taking your classroom ‘on the road’ with Students on Tour is easy!
As a Full-Service Company, we are confident that your experience with Students on Tour will be both smooth and efficient.
Here is what you can expect when you partner with Students on Tour:
Professional program planning with your personal Education Program Consultant
Educators E-Office and personal group website
In-house/online accounting
Professional trained and licensed Education Program Leaders with your group 24/7
On-site staff and security
Student Travel Journals
Post program evaluation
And more!
Choose the Education Program that fits your educational learning objectives.
Click here to explore our popular Programs, or let us customize a Program for your school.
Request Information today!
Consider Taking a "Familiarization Tour" with Students on Tour
There’s no better way to discover more than to go on an Education Program yourself.
A Students on Tour Famailiarization Tour invites educators, like you, to participate on an actual tour.
Other student tour operators offer educators the opportunity to go on a trip, but these trips often consist solely of other educators. While this type of tour might be fun, interesting, and informative, it lacks something that Students on Tour feels is a very important part of the decision-making process -- the students. We believe that seeing how real students connect and engage at different sites and locations is a great way to see first hand how an Education Program with Students on Tour will impact the lives of your own students.
Click here to learn more about joining a Familiarization Program.